Are seasonal email opt-outs a good way of showing empathy?

Or are they starting to put an extra burden on grieving people? In recent years, there’s been a steady rise in the number of brands offering specific opt-outs to their email subscribers in the run up to significant holidays – Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Christmas tend to be the main three. There is a […]

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Copywriting, Marketing

You don’t need to thank people for reading your content

Have you ever signed off with something like “If you’ve got this far, thanks for reading!” or “wow, sorry for such a long post” or “well, I better stop rambling now”? There are many, many things to thank our customers and followers for, but reading our Instagram posts (or blogs, or emails) is not one […]

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Content creation

Six problems to avoid in your sales page copy

Sales pages: those beautiful tools to guide your potential clients or customers through the wonderful things you offer, all the way to a inviting Call To Action where they shout ‘yes!’ and input their credit card details. So many sales pages are inclusive, uplifting, and trust-building. Empathetic, responsible marketing is on the rise (hallelujah). But […]

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How clear brand values can help you sell more easily

(or how I bought a perfume without smelling it first)   Sometimes, as small businesses, we assume our product or course descriptions do all the heavy lifting. You know, if we can give customers enough factual information, they’ll buy… we just have to explain every element, in precise detail, to show them it’s exactly what […]

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Do you need a new strategy for your marketing content?

Some thoughts about Instagram   Every so often, a fellow small business creative makes a confession. “I haven’t posted anything to the grid in… (lowers voice)… months, Amy. Months.” Oh, that Instagram guilt. It’s easy to feel bad about not posting often enough; not posting the ‘right’ stuff; feeling stressed with the content creation treadmill, […]

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Blogging, Content creation

6 helpful tips if you’re struggling to name your new business

How do you choose a name for your business? Some people get an instant, instinctive feeling of what’s spot-on for them, others already have a cherished name they’ve been saving for the right time, but for most of us it isn’t a straightforward process. And, because naming is one of the elements we need to […]

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Business journey